Make sure you request a copy of your account that shows how much of your car payments are applied against the principle portion of the debt, and how much they take in interest. When I requested a copy of my son's account history, I found that 75% of his car payments were not applied against the car loan. This means that his car loan balance will never go down and he will pay 3 times more than he contracted. These people are not only rude, but they are also theives. Unfortunately for them, I can afford a lawyer and i am going to get justice.
Make sure you request a copy of your account that shows how much of your car payments are applied against the principle portion of the debt, and how much they take in interest. When I requested a copy of my son's account history, I found that 75% of his car payments were not applied against the car loan. This means that his car loan balance will never go down and he will pay 3 times more than he contracted. These people are not only rude, but they are also theives. Unfortunately for them, I can afford a lawyer and i am going to get justice.