I went twice to the office. But, never get ALL my questions answered. I am dealing with Banner Casa Grande Hospital. I am concerned about their usage of "subcontracting" Anesthesiologist. I am worried about the type of care and the cleanliness of the OR, but cannot get answers. Anytime you have a question, you need to make an appointment, so they can bill you for the session. I'll be seeing someone else up in the valley.
I went twice to the office. But, never get ALL my questions answered. I am dealing with Banner Casa Grande Hospital. I am concerned about their usage of "subcontracting" Anesthesiologist. I am worried about the type of care and the cleanliness of the OR, but cannot get answers. Anytime you have a question, you need to make an appointment, so they can bill you for the session. I'll be seeing someone else up in the valley.