I came in with long, thick wavy hair a couple inches below my shoulders. The only thing I could do with it was put it up in a ponytail, so I wanted something different and more manageable! Karina gave me me a short bob haircut exactly the way i envisioned it!! Thank you to Karina and the friendly staff at Great Clips! It's very hard to find stylists that aren't afraid to cut your hair!! I will be returning to this location in the future!!
I came in with long, thick wavy hair a couple inches below my shoulders. The only thing I could do with it was put it up in a ponytail, so I wanted something different and more manageable! Karina gave me me a short bob haircut exactly the way i envisioned it!! Thank you to Karina and the friendly staff at Great Clips! It's very hard to find stylists that aren't afraid to cut your hair!! I will be returning to this location in the future!!