FYI, if you buy a gift online get a gift receipt otherwise your screwged. Also, hardware is wrong for many wall products. Just overrated in quality, customer service, for price. Caveat emptor. The sales associated ask you to purchase in store or they will be out of job. Their lack of service is probably more key to job longevity.
I ventured in and ordered a sofa, first time for a large purchase with them. Time was of the essence as it was a birthday present. With the original time quote, I was satisfied. However, then the nightmare began. The date started slipping, I was given 4 different reasons and new shipping dates, none of which was achieved. It finally was delivered almost 3 week late. I gave up listening to their lies and weak excuses. I was burned. Not a positive first experience for furniture. I was planning on buying a hutch unit, but no chances of that now!