Driving to work Friday 4/13 a large steel object pierced my windshield shattering it leaving me unable to see let alone drive. I made one phone call to my local insurance company, Farmers-John Salem and within an hours of calling, his office had a windshield replacement company ready to get me back on the road. Thank you John and Lisa for your superior customer service and attention to detail. If piece of mind and saving money is your idea of a quality company then I recommend you call them.
Driving to work Friday 4/13 a large steel object pierced my windshield shattering it leaving me unable to see let alone drive. I made one phone call to my local insurance company, Farmers-John Salem and within an hours of calling, his office had a windshield replacement company ready to get me back on the road. Thank you John and Lisa for your superior customer service and attention to detail. If piece of mind and saving money is your idea of a quality company then I recommend you call them. Thanks Janner