They will lie to your face just to get a sale and then you will have unexpected charges on your account. Don't enjoy helping people unless they're getting something out of it. Colin & Matt were nice and tried their best to help me fix my problems. The girl however doesn't know what she's talking about and seems to be very impolite and lacking intellect. I suggest you ask for the guys mentioned above otherwise go elsewhere. I know my wife and family won't be returning.
They will lie to your face just to get a sale and then you will have unexpected charges on your account. Don't enjoy helping people unless they're getting something out of it. Colin & Matt were nice and tried their best to help me fix my problems. The girl however doesn't know what she's talking about and seems to be very impolite and lacking intellect. I suggest you ask for the guys mentioned above otherwise go elsewhere. I know my wife and family won't be returning.